Personal injury lawyer Doug Allen is currently an “of counsel” attorney for Malnar Law, P.C. The following story was written before Doug Allen represented Malnar Law, P.C.
Pueblo attorney Doug Allen recovered a substantial monetary settlement for a client when no other attorney would take the case.

Edmund Vallejo is 87 years old. He fought in the Korean War for the United States of America. Edmund retired from his job as the Superintendent of the Pueblo School District. Edmund’s wife’s name is Gregoria. As residents of Pueblo for their whole lives, they are wonderful, kind people.
Attorney Doug Allen recently enjoyed eating with Edmund & Gregoria at the Pueblo Riverwalk. While eating, they recalled the personal injury case that brought them together a few years ago.
Edmund was driving his car as normal 3 years ago. Suddenly, he was rear ended by a careless driver. Since the car crash, he suffered migraine headaches and neck pain.
No other personal injury lawyer in Pueblo, CO thought it was serious enough to pursue the case against the insurance company, Allstate. Doug Allen, the People’s Attorney, pursued the case and fought hard to protect Edmund. As a result, Doug & Edmund received a large settlement.
How did this happen? First, you need proof that injuries were sustained from a car accident. A medical professional can help you do that. Do not delay seeking medical treatment. Second, your rights are important! Do not just settle for the first check the insurance company gives you; big insurance companies are NOT on your side. A skilled personal injury lawyer can help you navigate the tricky world of insurance claims. Third, ensure that you take the right actions after a automobile accident. Take pictures, call the cops, photograph the scene & go to the hospital if need be.
Doug Allen treats his clients like family. Large Pueblo attorney at law firms do not have the attention span to fight for the settlements of “small cases.” But Doug Allen & Malnar Law, P.C believe in helping people. Trust them to get you the money you need to pay for medical bills, take care of your family & more!