Have you or a loved one been in a bicycle accident? Are you looking for a specialist bicycle accident lawyer? Then you’ve come to the right place. Ryan Malnar is the attorney for you! He knows how to fight your corner, and how to win. So if you’re thinking of making a claim, then read all of the information below. These are the essential steps of putting together, presenting and- hopefully- winning a claim after a bicycle accident.

Bicycle accident lawyer Colorado Springs Malnar Law, P.C. A Storyblocks image.
Bicycle accident lawyer Colorado Springs: Gather as much evidence as possible
It may or may not be too late to take this advice, but you should always remember to gather as much information as possible after an accident. Of course, this includes basic contact information and insurance details. But you should also try and remember as many small details of the accident as possible. Of course, you’ll never win a claim just with ‘he said, she said’ information. But small details like the direction in which you were travelling, how fast you were cycling and so on can be corroborated by witnesses, which is invaluable evidence. If possible, you should have collected the details of any potential witnesses, too- although we understand if it’s too late for that now.
An absolutely essential tool for gathering evidence is a GoPro. If you had one at the time of the accident, that’s great news, because video evidence of the accident is enough to prove a case, provided the driver or pedestrian was actually to blame. If you didn’t have one at the time of the accident, we suggest you get one! They’re popular with motorcyclists and regular cyclists precisely because of situations like these.
Bicycle accident lawyer Colorado Springs: Contact a specialist attorney
Following your bicycle accident, you should contact a specialist attorney. The reason is simple: if you have a property dispute, you would look for an attorney who knows the ins and outs of property law. The same goes for contract law, tort law and criminal law. Specific kinds of auto accident like truck accidents, motorcycle accidents and bicycle accidents are no exception. Cases like these can be complicated, and you should have a specialist by your side, not a Jack of all trades.
Not only that, but a specialist bicycle attorney is going to understand exactly what it’s like to be on the road on only two wheels. Being a cyclist on the road leaves you vulnerable, even if you take every precaution, and Ryan Malnar knows that. Besides the fact that your specialist attorney is going to know more about what it’s like to be on the receiving end of aggressive and dangerous driving, they’re also more likely to succeed with your claim. And that’s always a good thing, right?
Bicycle accident lawyer Colorado Springs: Let us get the ball rolling
Getting a claim started after an accident will never be your first thought. Loved ones, physical recovery, and getting back to your daily routine should always be your priority. But what you might not know is that making a claim is far easier than most people think! In fact, a claim doesn’t require all that much input from you. Once we know all the details of your insurance and of the accident, Doug will make the claim on your behalf, and fight it from start to finish. He’ll keep you informed at every step, and advise you on whether an offer is worth accepting, or whether you should hold out for more.
That’s one factor which sets a good attorney apart. Every insurance company is in business not because they’re kind-hearted, or that they help you with your recovery. They’re there to make more money than they give out in claims. That’s why their first offer is almost always a low-ball. And at every turn, insurance companies will try to deny the extent of your injuries and the liability of the driver who caused the accident. Doug knows how to fight your corner, and hold out for the entire amount that you’re entitled to.
Bicycle accident lawyer Colorado Springs: Chances of success?
If you’re worried about the chances of your success, you shouldn’t be. Of course, cyclists can cause an accident just like car drivers can. But it’s usually quite clear where the fault lies. Unless you darted across a junction when you shouldn’t have, or cycled the wrong way up a one-way street, then most bicycle accidents aren’t the cyclist’s fault. Just think of some of the most common causes of bicycle accidents:
- Drivers opening their car door without looking to see if the way is clear
- Running out of room at the side of the road, because a car is hogging all the space
- Drivers not giving you enough room to merge
- Cars swerving into your lane, causing you to lose your balance
…I could go on, but you get the idea. It’s difficult for a cyclist to cause an accident. That’s why you have every success in proving that you weren’t liable for your injuries.
Bicycle accident lawyer Colorado Springs: Fees only after successful case
When you make a claim, you can rest assured that you’re never going to end up out of pocket. Ryan Malnar works on a strictly ‘no win, no fee’ basis. So if your claim is rejected, you won’t be left with less than you started with. And if your claim is successful, Ryans’s fees will always be far less than the total amount you receive. So what are you waiting for? Call today!
If you’ve been in a bicycle accident, a personal injury attorney can help you. You should not just hire any attorney. If you wanted a will drafted, you would hire an estate lawyer. A property attorney would be helpful in a real estate transaction. A bicycle accident injury, requires a personal injury lawyer.
Malnar Law is dedicated to handling claims related to car accidents, including bicycling accidents. Victims of biking accidents can recover monetary damages, especially if they or their passengers received bodily injuries.
Frequently asked questions about bicycling accidents
What constitutes a bicycling accident?
There are many instances in which you can claim damages. Give us a call and we’d be happy to assist you. Here are just a few instances where a bicyclist may be able to claim damages:
- A vehicle driver opening a car door without looking first for bikers.
- Running out of room on the side of the road; drivers are required under law to give bicyclists 3 feet of room when passing.
- Drivers not giving a bicyclist room for merging.
- Cars swerving into a bicyclists’ lane.
Is a bicycling accident claim complicated?
No, not as complicated as you may think. First, its helpful for you to contact an attorney who knows the laws relating to car accidents and biking accidents. Second, you need to collect as much evidence as possible when you first get into an accident like interviewing witnesses and collecting insurance information. Photos of the incident are also helpful. If you are not wearing a Go Pro while cycling, you should be.
After you’ve consulted with a lawyer like Malnar Law, they will take your case and negotiate and fight aggressively, including going to court if necessary, to ensure that you get the most money for your bicycling accident claim.
What laws do bicyclists need to follow?
Bicycles have similar rights as automobiles. Thus, bicyclists are obligated to obey similar rules of the road. Here are some basic principles related to biking with cars:
- Stop at stop signs and yield to other cars when obliged.
- Obey traffic signals like stoplights.
- Be respectful and do not get into confrontations with other drivers.
- Wear safety vests or flashing lights to ensure that you are seen easily.
- Merge safely and use biking lanes if provided.
Why hire a personal injury attorney?
Car accidents are the most common type of personal injury. Bicycling accidents are normally classified under car accident law. If you’ve been injured by a motor vehicle there are usually multiple insurance policies in place to protect your interests and make sure that you are made whole. Don’t use just any attorney; use a lawyer that regularly handles peronsal injury cases and knows how to litigate your case against the insurance company. Remember, your under-insured motorist coverage includes you as a pedestrian or while you ride a bike. Hire an attorney that’s not going to short change your claim.